Waterproof Backpack


I use a sturdy frame backpack, combined with a waterproof bag of 60 liters. The system carries well and keeps your gear crispy dry, even after two weeks of persistant rain. I have even used the system as a floatationdevice to cross a river. The bag is attached to the frame with adjustable straps (home made) to carry any bag with appropriate size. You can also attach side bags, showed on on the ‘Clothes and Boots’ page. The bag can be placed directly into a canoe or kayak.













Put rubber bands around your hipbelt, for more grip around your hips.


The picture beneath shows the backpack and how to organise the equipment.

See the video: How to pack your backpack


Home made straps for sturdy backpack frame

– aluminium frame

– shoulder bands

– hip bands

– nylon band 5 meters

– broad nylon band 2 meters

– fasteners 3 x

– large fastener

– straps 15 x

– nylon cord 2 meters